Chairman's Desk

Welcome To Gurukul World Public School
Chairman's Desk

Education is the basis of all progress. Education is not mere accumulation of facts; it is preparation of life itself. Education is knowledge imbued with wisdom and ethics. It develops the personality of the students, moulds their character and develops mental skill to help them cope with problems and challenges of the complex world of today.

Days are gone where children were fed with bookish information

and assessed purely on the basis of role learning and pen paper test. Gurukul World Public School is a result of a person’s hardship, which a small town child has to go through in absence of facility and proper guidance. We together will provide all the facilities, tools and training to our rural kids and make them global citizen.

Education is futile if it fails to serve the purpose of real life. The Gurukul World Public School (GWPS) exemplifies the fact that sky is not the limit in the pursuit of excellence. The aim of our school is to promote a system of integral education in a congenial child-friendly environment that emphasizes the unity of all knowledge, synthesizes humanity and sciences and recognizes the fact that each child is unique. We believe that education should enable the students to soar high morally, socially and spiritually. We aim to develop in our children an appreciation for the values of the past, the excitement of the present and the challenges of the future.

Together we will bring out the best in each child. We are confident that this school is best place for your child. We welcome your active interest and involvement in the progress and activities of your child. We look forward to your continuous support.

Mr. Gokul Kumar