How to enroll your child
1. We give our children a world full of love, laughter and joy.
2. The most precious gift that can be given to children is care and time.
3. For us every child is ever fresh, unique and is a radiant possibility.
4. Childhood is the world of miracle and magic, we allow them to live and cherish each and every moment of it with love and laughter.
5. Let us put our minds together and see what life we can make for our children.
6. The first five years have so much to do with how the next 80 turn out.
7. If a child can not learn the way we teach, we must teach in a way the child learn.
8. You Can Also Download Admission Form, Prospectus and other things from our website's Download section.
How to enroll your child : Gurkul World Public School accepts children from age 1.3 years onwards. We do provide transportation if required at nominal cost. GWPS has an open door policy. Admissions are currently open in all age group. You can contact directly on the telephone number provided or visit personally with your kid to have a guided tour of the nursery to Std. 10th between 9 am to 11 am on weekdays. Our team will be happy to meet you at your convenient time or you can fill the enquiry form and we will contact you.
Identity Card
An identity card bearing passport size photograph and address of student will remain in his/her custody all the time.
School Uniform
Monday to Thursday: Orange T-shirt with tie collar black paint / Half-Full Paint / Skirt / Black shoes white shocks with regularly polished. Friday to Saturday: White T-shirt with tie collar white paint / skirt / white socks regularly whitened. Winter: Grey short plain knitting and all children from class 4 onwards are required to wear grey blazer with school mono. School neck, tie belt and badge are provided by the office.
Course Of Study
The course of study is same as laid by Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), New Delhi. At different levels of the school, has following level classes Nursery to Std. 10th (English Medium). Subject English, Hindi, Math G.K and oral as well written subjects for student.
Classes 1 to 10
Subject: English, Hindi, Math Science, Social Studies dance, G.K and special stress on spoken English.
School in action
For Junior Section |
Summer | 7 am to 11 am |
Winter | 8 am to 12.30 am |
For Senior Section |
Summer | 7.30 to 11 am |
Winter | 10.30 to 4.15 pm |
Co–Circular activity
To create healthy atmosphere of sound competition and team sprit school student are divided in three categories:
* Junior Section * Middle section * Higher Section Each category is sub divided into four house, it develop into student all round development
Blossoming of inhibited talents: To inculcate literary stage manner, sense of leadership quality, reading, sketching, singing, test quiz ,news relay and essay competition with celebrating birth day of great peoples.
Exhibition: The school plans to display art and craft exhibition and even science exhibition.
Guidelines for Parents:
School Diary : Use the school diary as a means of communication with class teacher and check the diary for home work and the teacher remarks.
Restrictions for Parents : No Parents / guardian are allowed to visit classroom directly. They Allowed, Both the parents must attend the parent’s teacher meet.
Test Feedback : Signature the test copies / papers as when sent home.
Study Material : See that your ward has all the text books, items of stationary materials in the beginning of the session and Ensure that all the books and note books are covered with brown papers.
Dress code : Ensure that your ward comes to school in proper uniform with polished shoes, timed hair and nails.
Discipline : Send your ward regularly and punctually to school. No absence will be permitted without a leave application and late comers will not be allowed to sit in the class.
Intimation : Intimate the School in case of change in address or telephone / mobile numbers.
Fees : Pay the fees as schedule date. Default fee Rs. 25/- will be charged it fees is not paid on due date. School fee must pay on 30th or before of 10th every month. Name will be struck off from the register if fees will not be paid for two month regularly.
Mobile & Vehicle : Carrying mobile phones to school is strictly forbidden will be confiscated if found. Two wheelers (gear bikes) are not permitted as a mode of transport to school, Gear less boles should be registered and wearing of the helmet is compulsory.
Management's Right : The Director/ Principal reserve the right without assigning any reason to deny any application or request.
Jurisdiction : All disputes are subjects to be jurisdiction of Seraikela Court.